Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dot Day with Frisco ISD and Grapevine Elementary via Skype!

Mrs. Berumen helped our class connect with two other schools via Skype. We had a blast seeing how these two schools celebrated Dot Day AND showing them our creations!

Dot Day!

To celebrate Dot Week we began by reading the dot, by Peter Reynolds. This is an amazing story of a little girl, Vashti, and her journey of self-expression and self-discovery. After reading the story, we decided to see what we could do with dots. As you look at the photos below, you will see that 17 scholars enjoyed the opportunity of self-expression!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Button Graphing

We are nearing the end of our first unit on graphing. Today the scholars worked in groups to sort their buttons and to then record this data on a graph. The teacher's role was that of an observer. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The scholars are coming to an end of their Graphing Unit. During this unit of study, the scholars have learned many mathematical concepts and terms. ( sorting, representation, vertical, pictoral, fewer/more, most/least, comparing, making observations and explaining what they know) We will be revisiting graphing several more times in the school year.

Comparing and Contrasting Stories

We read, The Three Little Pigs An Architectural Tale and The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf. After reading the stories, we used a Double Bubble Map to tell how the stories are alike and different. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

iPad 101

Today we began with the basics for using an iPad in the classroom. We learned how to handle, care for and the parts of the iPad. Our first task was to take a 'selfie' to use as our wallpaper for the lock/home screen. We then explored a new app, Doodle Buddy.

Building Our Reading Stamina!

We increased our reading stamina by 2 minutes today. We can 'Read to Self' for 5 minutes!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Teamwork Super Heroes!

Kindergarten is learning what STEM is all about through a Teamwork super Heroes PBL. Scholars are learning the characteristics of teamwork super heroes: sharing hands, creative thoughts, listening ears, controlled body, kind words and x-ray vision to your project. Pictured below is the 20 Keva Plank Challenge. During this challenge, the scholars learned the importance of having a teamwork rubric.


Kindergarten had fun in the library exploring Makerspacers!