Friday, September 20, 2013

Christmas in September!

The Grapevine Church of Christ brought Christmas to Cannon a little early this year! The church granted the first grade team's wish for engineering supplies. Thanks to Grapevine Church of Christ, we have a fantastic stockpile of supplies!


Scholars worked with a partner to design and create a windsock. Each pair was given a budget of 20 pennies to purchase their materials. Scholars followed the Engineering Process of: imagine, plan, design, test/improve and share. Many pairs were successful the first time!

We had a Watch D.O.G., Mr. Duncan!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Important Dates!

Saturday, September 21st:  Back To School Cookout!  The Dad's Club is hosting this event. The time is: 12:00 - 3:00.  Come for fun!
Wednesday, September 25th:  Early Release Day @ 11:45
Thursday, September 26th:  Early Release Day @ 11:45
Wednesday, October 2nd:  Picture Day

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Learning Targets

Spelling:  Our focus in spelling will be the CVC short /a/ pattern.  Examples of this pattern are: man, tap, hat, sad.  Scholars can practice this spelling pattern at home by clicking on the sidebar link to Spelling City.  There are many fun and engaging games for the scholars to play.

Reading:  Our focus will be 'I can use pictures to retell a story'.  We will also discuss how to use a Flow-Map to retell.  I will begin the BoY reading assessment using the DRA2.  This assessment will help me learn your scholar's independent and instructional reading levels. 

Writing:  Our focus will be, 'I can proofread to correct a target skill'.  Scholars will be proofreading their writing to ensure they are using the writing concepts taught in Kindergarten.  Scholars will check for:  capital letter at the beginning, correct letter size and formation, spacing between words, end punctuation, the use of I, the correct use of Kindergarten In a Snap words.

Math:  Scholars will begin a 5 week study of Number Sense to 50.  Scholars will show what numbers look like using objects/pictures, they will write a number to match the representation, represent a number using groups of 10's and 1's, instantly tell how many I see (quick images), use mathematical language to: compare groups of objects and to compare numbers.  *This is not an all inclusive list.

Science:  Our focus will be weather.  Scholars will observe weather conditions using their senses, use tools such as wind socks and thermometers to gather weather data then take this data and record in charts, tables and graphs.

Design Challenge:  Scholars will work in pairs to design and create a wind sock.  We will also incorporate money by putting a price on each material.  Scholars will be given a certain amount of money (pennies) for the purchasing of materials.  Scholars will follow the engineering planning process to complete this challenge.  Stay tuned for pictures!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Let's WIN!

The class with the highest percentage of members to join PTA will win certificates for a visit to Urban Air Trampoline Park.  The deadline to join PTA is September 20th.  The winning class will be announced at the Back to School Bash on September 21st, another great reason to attend this fun afternoon!  Let's be the winning class!!!!

To make things really easy, click here to join PTA: the cost is $8 per member.

Support our fantastic PTA and help our class win! 

PTA Information

"Back to School Bash" will be Saturday, September 21:  12-3:00.  The awesome Dad's Club will be cooking hotdogs.

PTA is now selling our new school T-shirt.  The order forms went home in your child's binder. 

If you haven't joined PTA please do so soon!  Our PTA provides so many wonderful activities for our scholars not to mention all the incredible support they give to our school.  I would love for our class to have 100% participation!  Thank you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013