Friday, November 11, 2016

Collaborative Worker

GCISD's Portrait of a graduate has several traits: Skilled Problem Solver, Effective Communicator, Self-Regulated Learner, Global Citizen and a Collaborative Worker. While we work on all these traits, the focus of our Engineering time today was on being a Collaborative Worker. The scholars worked in groups to achieve a common goal: To select and build according to the directions one thing. The groups used various materials to build: Keva Planks, K' nex, Clix and Zoobs. 
Their first task was to agree on the one thing they wanted to build. From here, I really just let the groups work out their own plan for achieving the goal. It was very interesting to see who took the lead in each group. This 'leader' then set to explain his/her thinking as to how they should proceed. What I observed was that each group studied the directions, gathered the required pieces and then individuals began saying what part they were going to be responsible for making. The conversations were purposeful and on topic and everyone was actively engaged. While some groups have not completed their building, they have a great start!

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