Friday, March 6, 2015

Spring Break Geometry Challenge

If you have some extra time during Spring Break, I challenge you to try one or both of activities!

Terrific Tangrams:  you will use all the pieces to create three different figures.
Rules: -each figure must use all seven tans
          - the tans cannot overlap
          - each tan must touch another tan
* Write and illustrate an original story using the 3 figures you created. Think of a creative way to present your Tangrams story. You can make a book, a poster, use technology, or come up with your own ideas!

Shape Robot:  Create a shape robot using 2 and 3 dimensional objects from around your home (paper towel rolls, juice boxes, tissue boxes, soup cans etc.)  You will be given 2-3 minutes to share your Shape Robot with the class. Practice at home what you will say so that you feel confident speaking in front of the class. Remember to include the names of the different shapes you used.

Good luck and have fun!

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