Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday's Engineering Challenge

Challenge:  Build the Tallest Structure possible
Materials:  10 wooden cubes, 10 Jumbo Craft Sticks, 10 3oz. plastic cups
Parameter:  The base can only be 1 wooden cube.

The scholars worked with a partner to complete today's engineering challenge.  Today's mini lesson was:  learning what others have tried.  Often times scholars are so worried about copying, they do not want someone to see what they are doing!  I am encouraging them to look around them to see what others are trying, asking questions like: "How did you do that?" or "Did that work for you?".  I explained to the class that it is not about reinventing everything, rather learning what others have done/tried and perhaps improving upon it.  Learning from others is okay and it is not's collaboration!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Group Exploration with Manipulatives

DScholars worked with their table groups to explore math manipulatives.  The purpose for taking the time to explore is to give the scholars an opportunity to 'play' with the materials before they will be asked to use them in Math. One scholar told me that there wasn't anything to do with colored tiles, but quickly found his thinking changing! 

Maker Spaces!

Today marked our 1st full day and our first visit to the library. I had shared with the scholars that they would be going to the library to do something no one really associates with this place....this got them very curious! Mrs. Berumen, our librarian, explained Maker Spaces and the class was amazed. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Engineering with a Partner

Today the scholars worked with a partner using Keva Planks to complete the Brain Builders challenge. The classroom was buzzing with great communication and much excitement over accomplishing each new challenge!

From School to Home

I just love when something we have done or learned continues at home!  After only two days, Liam returned to school bringing a real world connection to our previous day's engineering challenge.  Liam and his dad found pictures illustrating a structure extending from another.....a cantilever. Liam did a great job sharing these pictures and from here the class began making several other real world connections!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Our 2nd Day!

My awesome engineers arrived this morning and demonstrated that they already knew our arrival routine! Our Mini Engineering Challenge today was to use 20 Keva Planks and design a way to have them extend off the edge of their table. One engineer actually extended 10 inches off the table. This challenge provided great discussion for weight and weight distribution. These engineers are also learning that failure is a good thing because we learn from what went wrong! We also had fun with our brain break, Peanut Butter Jelly Time!